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How To Eat Out & Still Lose Weight Feb 02, 2022
By: Tedi Nikova, MPH RD

As a Dietitian, my clients always ask  me, “well what happens if I go out to dinner at a restaurant, how do I stay on track with my food plan?! “. Sticking to a healthier eating regime is completely do-able in any situation! I have listed my top 5 tips to...

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Overcoming Weight Regain with Dr. Alicia Shelley Feb 02, 2022

On today’s episode I am joined by Dr. Alicia Shelly, who is a Board Certified Internal Medicine/Obesity Medicine physician based in Atlanta, Georgia. She is the the host of a weekly podcast & Youtube channel entitled Back on Track: Overcoming Weight Regain.

Dr. Shelly has personally...

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Is bariatric surgery cheating? Jan 27, 2022

Have you ever wondered if bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) is for you?


Or maybe you know someone who had bariatric surgery and you secretly think “that’s cheating”.


There are so many misconceptions about bariatric surgery:

  • It’s cheating
  • You only do...
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What to do when you've fallen off the wagon Jan 20, 2022

Have you “fallen off the wagon”? Are you having trouble getting back on?

What if I told you there was no wagon. Just life – messy, imperfect, full of ups and downs life.

The idea that there is a wagon that you’re either on or off stems from perfectionistic, all-or-nothing...

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Create Your Breakthrough Year in 2022 - Part 1 Jan 06, 2022

Today’s episode is part 1 of a 2-part series about Creating Your Breakthrough Year in 2022. You get to create – that means you get to intentionally craft and design what you want your life to look like. Do you believe that?

Some of you who have already disqualified...

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Are You Eating Enough Protein for Sustainable Weight Loss? Jan 03, 2022

By: Tedi Nikova MPH, RD

When finding the right eating regime for weight loss, and sustainable weight management, I always tell my clients to focus on what foods to include to support their metabolism, rather than thinking about what food to cut out. Today I am going to share with you the most...

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It's Not About the Food with Jennifer N. Dec 23, 2021

In this week’s episode of the podcast, we hear from Jennifer N. An inspirational client who has been with the High Metabolic Clinic for over 2 years, has lost over 100 lbs and maintained it, and overcome binge eating.


We talk about:

  • Her initial reluctance to accept that her weight...
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Why you need to prioritize sleep with Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown Dec 16, 2021

We all know we should sleep more… But somehow it just doesn’t seem all thaaaaat important at 10pm when you have emails to catch up on, Instagram Reels to peruse, or Netflix to binge.

What’s the deal? Why is sleep important and how can we get better at it?

In this week’s...

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Weight bias, renaming adiposity and the No Fat Shame Movement with Dr. Ali Zentner Dec 09, 2021

Listen in to my interview with Dr. Ali Zentner, Obesity Medicine Physician and Medical Director of the Revolution Medical Clinic in Vancouver.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • The history of obesity medicine in Canada
  • The origins of weight bias and fat shaming
  • The need to come up with new...
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Are your Beliefs around Weight Loss Holding you Back? Dec 07, 2021

By: Tedi Nikova MPH, RD

A common barrier to weight loss we see our clients face has nothing to do with food, or their medical conditions.. it has everything to do with our clients beliefs around weight loss! Have you ever thought this before?

“I can’t lose weight”

“If I...

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Is labelling obesity a disease fat-shaming? Dec 02, 2021

Today’s episode of the podcast was inspired by a Facebook thread in a women physician’s Facebook group exploring:

  • Is obesity a real disease?
  • Does labelling it a disease alleviate or promote fat-shaming?
  • What language should we use to describe obesity? Fat person? Larger-bodied?


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