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You were made to be great Nov 18, 2021

I believe that each and every one of us is destined to live an abundant, full, rich and meaningful life, a life of influence and impact – where we leave the world a better place.

And yet, this is the exception and not the norm.

So many people live their life on autopilot. Following the...

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Understanding Physiological Effects of Obesity + Cognitive Behaviour Modification = Sustainable Weight Management Nov 16, 2021

Tanya Bender's journey

A little bit about my journey, I’m sure it seems very familiar to anyone struggling with the extra weight they are carrying, both physically and mentally.  I have felt overweight, puggy, and chubby since I can remember, even when I wasn’t.  My earliest...

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How to Build Quick and Delicious Meals for Weight Loss Nov 09, 2021

By: Tedi Nikova, MPH, RD

Have you said these statements before?

“Planning and preparing healthy meals takes too much time!!”

“I will never able to implement a healthier diet that fits my lifestyle..”

 If this sounds like your thought patterns, you may be holding some...

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Client Spotlight: Interview with Ryan Morin Oct 28, 2021

In this episode we talk about Ryan’s history with “diet and exercise”, arriving at an understanding of the physiology of weight dysregulation, and his realization that he is “an emotional eater”. Ryan shares an experience of fat-shaming and how that propelled him...

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How to Spot a Fad Diet Oct 26, 2021
By: Tedi Nikova MPH, RD

Fad diets are often ‘quick fix’ diets with false promises that may do more harm than good. You may have trialled fad diets in the past. Some examples include: 

  • Very low-calorie diets 

  • Juice cleanses 

  • Dietary patterns that are overall...

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Your beliefs are stopping you from losing weight Oct 21, 2021

In today’s episode, I am inviting you to change your life by changing your beliefs about yourself.

What most people don’t realize, is that when you aren’t doing something you should be doing (or want to be doing), when your actions aren’t there, and you’re not...

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The Negative Side of Weight Loss (High on Life Podcast, Episode 9) By: Sasha High MD Oct 13, 2021

There is a negative side of weight loss that comes from the diet industry and is rooted in weight bias and fat-shaming. That’s not what I’m talking about today but I hear about it from clients all the time:

Clients have told me about experiences where they had to weigh-in in front of...

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How to Build a Balanced Breakfast- Tedi Nikova, MPH, RD Sep 13, 2021

Benefits of having a morning meal

 Why does breakfast play such an important role in weight loss and weight management? Breakfast sets you up the rest of your day and can aid in preventing excessive food intake later in the day. I notice many of my patients skipping breakfast and having...

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How to stop worrying about other people's opinions Sep 09, 2021

FOPO, or fear of other people’s opinions, holds so many people back from being who they’re supposed to be and doing their work in the world.

It’s normal for us to want people to like us and to want other people’s approval. But the very thing that was once helpful when we...

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I Already Know What I Should Be Eating, Iā€™m Just Not Doing It! Aug 26, 2021

Why do we struggle to follow through on what we “should” be doing? It’s not uncommon to start the day with the best of intentions to eat healthy, only to have those plans abandoned by the end of the night. There are many factors at play, many of which boil down to understanding...

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Challenging Scenarios When Transitioning Back to the Office -Tedi Nikova, MPH, RD Aug 23, 2021

Many of us will be transitioning back the office, at least partially, as the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. A few weeks ago, I talked all about how to stick to your healthy eating regime when going back to the office, CLICK HERE to check out the post! Today I would like to dive into...

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How to continue your healthy eating regime when transitioning back to work- Tedi Nikova, MPH, RD Aug 09, 2021

There is no denying many of us have gotten comfortable with the convenience of working from home. There has been a lot of healthy behaviour perks such as, being able to prepare fresh meals for breakfasts and lunches, less time spent on meal preparation, and more opportunities for gentle movement...

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