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How To Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Sep 25, 2023

Today, I want to help you stop sabotaging yourself. Especially when it comes to weight loss.

I understand how loaded the term "sabotage" can be, and I want you to know that I'm using it because it's the word I often hear from my clients. 

I want to share with you why this happens, to help...

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The Skill that Helped our Client Lose 73 lbs (And change my life!) Aug 21, 2023

Today, I want to delve into a powerful skill that can transform not just your weight loss journey, but many aspects of your life. 

I'm excited to share with you the key lessons from this episode, where we explore the art of making decisions and taking immediate action. These principles can...

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When Is It Time to Quit? Jul 31, 2023

I want to dive deep into a topic that has been on my mind lately: quitting.

I received an email from a High on Life Podcast listener who challenged the idea that quitting is always a bad thing. It got me thinking and reflecting on the concept of quitting and how it can actually be the right...

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Why is it so hard to keep promises to yourself? Jul 03, 2023

Do you ever stop to consider the impact of not keeping promises to yourself? 

Imagine having a romantic partner who constantly lies, fails to show up, and hides the truth from you. Over time, the trust in that relationship would erode, and their character would be seen as...

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Stop Giving Away Your Power Jun 26, 2023

Today, I want to look at why we should no longer give our power away to diets and weight loss programs, including my own.

I want to start off by clarifying that there is still plenty of value in having a guide or a coach, whether it’s weight loss, business, or otherwise. That's why I invest...

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Create Your Breakthrough Year in 2022 - Part 1 Jan 06, 2022

Today’s episode is part 1 of a 2-part series about Creating Your Breakthrough Year in 2022. You get to create – that means you get to intentionally craft and design what you want your life to look like. Do you believe that?

Some of you who have already disqualified...

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Understanding Physiological Effects of Obesity + Cognitive Behaviour Modification = Sustainable Weight Management Nov 16, 2021

Tanya Bender's journey

A little bit about my journey, I’m sure it seems very familiar to anyone struggling with the extra weight they are carrying, both physically and mentally.  I have felt overweight, puggy, and chubby since I can remember, even when I wasn’t.  My earliest...

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