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How to Actually Accomplish Your Goals in 2023


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Create your most fulfilled life with purpose

What got you here to where you are today, is not going to get you where you want to go. If it was, you'd be there already. In order to accomplish new goals in 2023, you will need to become the next version of you – this is personal growth. This FREE WORKBOOK accompanies my Podcast Episode, "How to Actually Accomplish Your Goals in 2023" where I teach you how to be intentional about the life you are creating.

What does "living intentionally" mean?

If you do not create your life, life will just happen to you. And maybe you’ll get lucky and it’ll be pretty good – but your best and most fulfilled life only comes by intention.

Living intentionally means deciding who you want to be and where you want to go, and then creating that person and that life purposefully.   

Why is it important to set goals & write them down?


  1. Your brain needs direction otherwise it is easily distracted by whatever the world throws at you. If you do not focus your brain, your outside world (the news, social media, your boss, external thing...) will direct your brain and your life.


  1. Setting goals allow you to create your future, instead of just re-doing your past. Your brain likes to do what is easiest, so it will just rinse and repeat what you have always known unless you decide that you are going to create a different future.


  1. When you write goals down, you turn them into existence.  When they're in your head, they haven’t been created yet. When they're on paper, they exist in the world.

Aha Moments and Testimonials from the Live Workshop