$365.00 CAD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Click here to read our TERMS & CONDITIONS and Supplemental Terms. By selecting the Checkbox above, you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and indicating that you have read them in full. This program is non-refundable.

Want to speak to someone on our team? No problem! Feel free to email [email protected].

Recover Strong (BED Program) - Payment Plan

Recover Strong is an 8-week coaching program based on the research of CBT-T for Binge Eating Disorder. Our Binge Eating Recovery Coach will guide you through an 8-week program to ensure that you learn to eat in a way that supports your body and your brain, handle emotional triggers, and face your fear foods.

This program is run by a Health Coach with a background as a Registered Dietitian, who has undergone additional training in CBT-T for Binge Eating Disorder. Our Binge Eating Recovery Coach is not a licensed psychotherapist or counsellor and does not replace mental health treatment. 

Details: 8 weekly 60-minute sessions plus a follow-up one month after completing the program.

This program will help you:

  • achieve normalized eating and food freedom
  • challenge your beliefs that are blocking a healthy relationship with food
  • practice new skills to cope with emotional triggers
  • work towards body acceptance through individualized body image work
  • reduce overall bingeing tendencies and the binge-restrict cycle

The program will conclude with a focus on relapse prevention, as well a one-month follow up session to ensure the reduction or elimination of binges.

We have helped many women gain freedom and reclaim their life through our Recover Strong Program. We can’t wait to help you too!