$297.00 CAD

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Best Weight with Sasha High MD

Everything you need to stop emotional eating, overcome mindless snacking, create sustainable change from the inside out. We teach you the physiology AND the psychology to lose weight for good. 

Best Weight was created by Sasha High MD, obesity physician and master weight loss coach. Her philosophy is that most people know what they "should" be doing, they need the tools to follow through and implement with consistency, sustainability and resilience.

That's what you will learn inside Best Weight.

  • Drop all-or-nothing thinking
  • Create consistency instead of aiming for perfection
  • Learn how to nourish your body without restriction and deprivation
  • Foster self-compassion so you can bounce back from setbacks quickly
  • Ditch toxic diet mentality and instead create an empowered mindset
  • Learn emotional regulation tools so you no longer self-soothe, celebrate, or fix boredom with food

Best Weight is everything that diets don't teach you.

This self-paced course contains a Prep Course, and 6 Modules, covering everything from nutrition, to mindset, to emotional regulation, to creating a sustainable lifestyle. 

BONUS CONTENT: Dr. High teaches you about the physiology of weight regulation and why some people may require medical treatment from their physician. She reviews the current medical treatments available in Canada. She also explains the brain and its involvement in appetite.

BONUS CONTENT: Get sample meal plans and easy recipes to follow! Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring.

BONUS MODULE: Mindfulness and mindful eating. I provide you with mindfulness audio guides to learn how to be present in the moment (the antidote to mindless eating!).


You have ongoing access to the course materials so you can come back to it anytime.